var app = function () { // ie mode var isrtl = false; var isie8 = false; var isie9 = false; var isie10 = false; var responsive = true; var responsivehandlers = []; var handleinit = function() { if ($('body').css('direction') === 'rtl') { isrtl = true; } isie8 = !! navigator.useragent.match(/msie 8.0/); isie9 = !! navigator.useragent.match(/msie 9.0/); isie10 = !! navigator.useragent.match(/msie 10.0/); if (isie10) { jquery('html').addclass('ie10'); // detect ie10 version } } // runs callback functions set by app.addresponsivehandler(). var runresponsivehandlers = function () { // reinitialize other subscribed elements for (var i in responsivehandlers) { var each = responsivehandlers[i];; } } // handle the layout reinitialization on window resize var handleresponsiveonresize = function () { var resize; if (isie8) { var currheight; $(window).resize(function () { if (currheight == document.documentelement.clientheight) { return; //quite event since only body resized not window. } if (resize) { cleartimeout(resize); } resize = settimeout(function () { runresponsivehandlers(); }, 50); // wait 50ms until window resize finishes. currheight = document.documentelement.clientheight; // store last body client height }); } else { $(window).resize(function () { if (resize) { cleartimeout(resize); } resize = settimeout(function () { runresponsivehandlers(); }, 50); // wait 50ms until window resize finishes. }); } } var handleiefixes = function() { //fix html5 placeholder attribute for ie7 & ie8 if (isie8 || isie9) { // ie8 & ie9 // this is html5 placeholder fix for inputs, inputs with placeholder-no-fix class will be skipped(e.g: we need this for password fields) jquery('input[placeholder]:not(.placeholder-no-fix), textarea[placeholder]:not(.placeholder-no-fix)').each(function () { var input = jquery(this); if (input.val() == '' && input.attr("placeholder") != '') { input.addclass("placeholder").val(input.attr('placeholder')); } input.focus(function () { if (input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) { input.val(''); } }); input.blur(function () { if (input.val() == '' || input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) { input.val(input.attr('placeholder')); } }); }); } } // handles scrollable contents using jquery slimscroll plugin. var handlescrollers = function () { $('.scroller').each(function () { var height; if ($(this).attr("data-height")) { height = $(this).attr("data-height"); } else { height = $(this).css('height'); } $(this).slimscroll({ allowpagescroll: true, // allow page scroll when the element scroll is ended size: '7px', color: ($(this).attr("data-handle-color") ? $(this).attr("data-handle-color") : '#bbb'), railcolor: ($(this).attr("data-rail-color") ? $(this).attr("data-rail-color") : '#eaeaea'), position: isrtl ? 'left' : 'right', height: height, alwaysvisible: ($(this).attr("data-always-visible") == "1" ? true : false), railvisible: ($(this).attr("data-rail-visible") == "1" ? true : false), disablefadeout: true }); }); } var handlesearch = function() { $('.search-btn').click(function () { if($('.search-btn').hasclass('show-search-icon')){ if ($(window).width()>767) { $('.search-box').fadeout(300); } else { $('.search-box').fadeout(0); } $('.search-btn').removeclass('show-search-icon'); } else { if ($(window).width()>767) { $('.search-box').fadein(300); } else { $('.search-box').fadein(0); } $('.search-btn').addclass('show-search-icon'); } }); } var handlemenu = function() { $(".header .navbar-toggle").click(function () { if ($(".header .navbar-collapse").hasclass("open")) { $(".header .navbar-collapse").slidedown(300) .removeclass("open"); } else { $(".header .navbar-collapse").slidedown(300) .addclass("open"); } }); } var handlesidebarmenu = function () { $(".sidebar .dropdown a").click(function () { if ($(this).hasclass("collapsed") == false) { $(this).addclass("collapsed"); $(this).siblings(".dropdown-menu").slidedown(300); } else { $(this).removeclass("collapsed"); $(this).siblings(".dropdown-menu").slideup(300); } }); } function handledifinits() { $(".header .navbar-toggle span:nth-child(2)").addclass("short-icon-bar"); $(".header .navbar-toggle span:nth-child(4)").addclass("short-icon-bar"); } function handleuniform() { if (!jquery().uniform) { return; } var test = $("input[type=checkbox]:not(.toggle), input[type=radio]:not(.toggle, .star)"); if (test.size() > 0) { test.each(function () { if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() == 0) { $(this).show(); $(this).uniform(); } }); } } var handlefancybox = function () { jquery(".fancybox-fast-view").fancybox(); if (!jquery.fancybox) { return; } if (jquery(".fancybox-button").size() > 0) { jquery(".fancybox-button").fancybox({ groupattr: 'data-rel', preveffect: 'none', nexteffect: 'none', closebtn: true, helpers: { title: { type: 'inside' } } }); $('.fancybox-video').fancybox({ type: 'iframe' }); } } // handles bootstrap accordions. var handleaccordions = function () { jquery('body').on('', '.accordion.scrollable', function (e) { app.scrollto($(, -100); }); } // handles bootstrap tabs. var handletabs = function () { // fix content height on tab click $('body').on('', '.nav.nav-tabs', function () { handlesidebarandcontentheight(); }); //activate tab if tab id provided in the url if (location.hash) { var tabid = location.hash.substr(1); $('a[href="#' + tabid + '"]').click(); } } return { init: function () { // init core variables handleinit(); handleresponsiveonresize(); handleiefixes(); handlesearch(); handlefancybox(); handledifinits(); handlesidebarmenu(); handleaccordions(); handlemenu(); handlescrollers(); this.addresponsivehandler(function(){ app.initbxslider(true); }); }, inituniform: function (els) { if (els) { jquery(els).each(function () { if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() == 0) { $(this).show(); $(this).uniform(); } }); } else { handleuniform(); } }, inittouchspin: function () { $(".product-quantity .form-control").touchspin({ buttondown_class: "btn quantity-down", buttonup_class: "btn quantity-up" }); $(".quantity-down").html(""); $(".quantity-up").html(""); }, initbxslider: function (reload) { $('.bxslider').each(function(){ var width = $(window).width(); var slides; var slidemargin = parseint($(this).attr("data-slide-margin")); var slidecontainerwidth = $(this).closest('.bxslider-wrapper').width(); var slidewidth; if (width <= 480) { slides = $(this).attr("data-slides-phone"); } else if (width > 480 && width <= 992) { slides = $(this).attr("data-slides-tablet"); } else { slides = $(this).attr("data-slides-desktop"); } slides = parseint(slides); slidewidth = slidecontainerwidth / slides; if (reload === true) { if (!$(this).data("bxslider")) { return; } $(this).data("bxslider").reloadslider({ minslides: slides, maxslides: slides, slidewidth: slidewidth, slidemargin: slidemargin, moveslides:5, responsive:true }); } else { //alert(2); var slider = $(this).bxslider({ minslides: slides, maxslides: slides, slidewidth: slidewidth, slidemargin: slidemargin, moveslides:5, responsive:true }); $(this).data("bxslider", slider); } }); }, initimagezoom: function () { $('.product-main-image').zoom({url: $('.product-main-image img').attr('data-bigimgsrc')}); }, initsliderrange: function () { $( "#slider-range" ).slider({ range: true, min: 0, max: 500, values: [ 50, 250 ], slide: function( event, ui ) { $( "#amount" ).val( "$" + ui.values[ 0 ] + " - $" + ui.values[ 1 ] ); } }); $( "#amount" ).val( "$" + $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 0 ) + " - $" + $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 1 ) ); }, // wrapper function to scroll(focus) to an element scrollto: function (el, offeset) { var pos = (el && el.size() > 0) ? el.offset().top : 0; if (el) { if ($('body').hasclass('page-header-fixed')) { pos = pos - $('.header').height(); } pos = pos + (offeset ? offeset : -1 * el.height()); } jquery('html,body').animate({ scrolltop: pos }, 'slow'); }, //public function to add callback a function which will be called on window resize addresponsivehandler: function (func) { responsivehandlers.push(func); }, scrolltop: function () { app.scrollto(); }, gridoption1: function () { $(function(){ $('.grid-v1').mixitup(); }); } }; }();